
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2014

Route menghindar jalan Pantura

<<go to see from this link klick here (Route Cawang ke Indramayu, via TERISI.pdf ) .>>

Catatan saya: Pengobatan alternatif Chiropractic

Catatan saya: Pengobatan alternatif Chiropractic : Macam-macam Penyembuhan dengan pengobatan alternatif   di Indonesia yang dikenal: • Chiropractic   • Terapi herbal/Fitofarmaka   ...

Pickpocket in the cabin of flight ..

TRIBUNNEWS.COM ,  JAKARTA   Being a victim of ' pickpocket elite ' in the cabin on a Garuda Indonesia flight GA 866 from Jakarta to Bangkok on Wednesday ( 12/18/2013 ) ago , making Kristiantoko distraught when he got in the Suvarnabhumi International Airport , Thailand . He then calling our number of friends there . He then described the events that he experienced to them , including Kris fellow named Rio . No warning , this story is able to save money approximately 5,000 U.S. dollars belonging to a foreign national traveling to Jakarta . Kris calls , action plotters ' elite pickpocket ' in the cabin of the aircraft that was airborne again repeated . Only, this time witnessed by the Rio , which he had previously been his friend he told about the tragedy that happened to him when he went to Bangkok . "Tell me about a natural disaster that makes Rio alert . He also noticed the people who ride in the aircraft cabin . Incidentally , our home on Garuda as...

Tarombo Lumbanraja
