review for Yaesu FL-7000
After reading the reviews here I nearly did not get a FL-7000, I must say I am VERY happy that I did get one in the end. I believe it is great value for money. It is maybe not as forgiving as a tube amplifier but then no solid state amplifier is. If you use it with reasonable antennas and you do not overdrive it it works 100%. If it trips you have a problem somewhere in your antenna system !, fix it and don't blame the amplifier. I have used the amplifier with more than 10 different radios, FT-990, FT-847, TS-870, IC-746, IC-765, FT-890, IC-706 plus a few older sets, it worked fine with all of them apart from the IC-706MKII, a rig well known for it spike on startup. The IC-706 also had a problem with my T1000 solidstate amplifier. Once the tuner is tuned it is fast, I do not understand some of the complaints I have heard, anyway, if you have a decent antenna you do not really need the tuner. If I can find a second FL-7000 I will buy it in a second !, it is a...