
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2023

review for Yaesu FL-7000

After reading the reviews here I nearly did not get a FL-7000, I must say I am VERY happy that I did get one in the end. I believe it is great value for money. It is maybe not as forgiving as a tube amplifier but then no solid state amplifier is. If you use it with reasonable antennas and you do not overdrive it it works 100%. If it trips you have a problem somewhere in your antenna system !, fix it and don't blame the amplifier. I have used the amplifier with more than 10 different radios, FT-990, FT-847, TS-870, IC-746, IC-765, FT-890, IC-706 plus a few older sets, it worked fine with all of them apart from the IC-706MKII, a rig well known for it spike on startup. The IC-706 also had a problem with my T1000 solidstate amplifier. Once the tuner is tuned it is fast, I do not understand some of the complaints I have heard, anyway, if you have a decent antenna you do not really need the tuner. If I can find a second FL-7000 I will buy it in a second !, it is a...


Yaesu FL-7000 HF Linear Amplifier, The FL-7000 is a microprocessor-controlled, all solid state linear amplifier with built in power supply and automatic antenna tuner, providing up to 1.2 kilowatts RF input power on the 160- through 10- metre HF ham radio bands, including the WARC bands. Super fast T/R turnaround timing allows the FL-7000 to be used for QSK CW, HF packet radio and even AMTOR with an exciter so designed. Requiring only 70 watts of excitation for full output, four transistors with 300W collector dissipation each are combined in a full y protected push-pull parallel wideband ?no-tune? amplifier circuit, powered by a heavy duty regulated 47V, 25A DC power supply and cooled by a bottom mounted fan through Yaesu?s own ?DVC? (Direct Vertical Cooling) heat sinking system. A high-power, low-loss automatic internal antenna automatically rematches the antenna whenever SWR exceeds 2:1. Specifications: General Frequency coverage (MHz) 1.8 ? 2.0, 3.5 ? 4.0, 7.0 ? 7.5, 10.0 ? 10.5, 1...