Ambalat dari perspektip yg berbeda
Ini sekedar untuk tambahan pengetahuan kita saja agar kita tidak memakai kaca
mata kuda atau bisa juga supaya timbul pemikiran 'bagaimana mengantisipasinya'.
Buat saya kalau ada yg bisa kasih argumen yang muantep malah bisa sebagai
Dikutip dari WikiAnswer dan juga kutipan dari milis sebelah sebagai berikut
dibawah ini:
Dari WikiAnswer:
Ambalat is the sea block (not an island) of the Celebes Sea between Indonesian
province of East Kalimantan and south-east of the Malaysian state of Sabah. This
whole region is formerly known as Borneo. There are two coastal states separated
in a distance of less then 300 nm each other that cause overlapping claim.
Located at the heart of the Indo-Pacific basin Ambalat is near the centre of one
of the richest marine habitats in the world called Sipadan. More than 3,000
species of fish and hundreds of coral species have been classified in this
ecosystem. The absence of territorial sea boundary between Indonesia and
Malaysia, consequently, leaves an uncertainty regarding the sovereignty over the
territorial sea (water column). Meaning Indonesia still can claim Ambalat due to
the fact Malaysia has agreed a seabed boundary but have not yet agreed a
boundary for the water column. Ambalat also has huge oil and gas reserves which
could be exploited up to 30 years.
In theory, Malaysia owns Ambalat (which is subject to a territorial dispute
between Indonesia) with the publication of a map by Malaysia in 1979. The map
shows that the area within its Malaysia territorial waters and continental shelf
but Indonesia has profusely objected to the map since it has not deposited to
the UN Secretary General.
This case is by no mean similar 2002's Sipadan-Ligitan Island where 16 out 17
judges from International Court of Justice (ICJ) awarded Sipadan-Ligitan from
Indonesia to Malaysia on a basis of effective occupation. Malaysia has been
actively established a permanent tourism service around the area and provide
facilities for diving, swimming, and other aqua-tourism activities around
Ambalat. In that case, the 'effective occupation' (Effectivités) is a relevant
consideration to decide the sovereignty over it.
In defining their boundary, especially land boundary, both countries have to
refer to the 1891 Convention agreed by The Great Britain and the Netherlands.
Indonesia has yet finished none of the ten potential maritime boundaries with
neighboring states i.e Australia, Malaysia, Philippine, Singapore, Palau, India,
Thailand, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea and East Timor. With Sipadan- Ligitan a new
Malaysia's territory and archipelagic base line it is worth noting that the
ICJ's decision to grant Sipadan and Ligitan to Malaysia may change the
configuration of Malaysia's baseline thus, could theoretically put Indonesia in
a worse position to claim Ambalat.
Gosong Niger is part of the seabed that is divided by the boundary line where
two third of the seabed fall within the Indonesian side. With regard to this,
the ownership of the sandbar is considerably clear. As there is a precise line,
it should have been clear who own which seabed. However, Indonesia has never
officially announced the exact locations of its maritime territorial limits.
Consequently, the Malaysian navy had chased Indonesian fishermen out of Ambalat
while Indonesia further accused Malaysia of 35 violations of disputed territory.
Malaysia will not refer the dispute with Indonesia over Ambalat to the
International Court of Justice in the Hague, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad
Zahid Hamidi said in June 2009. Instead, he said the matter should be resolved
through the existing brotherly diplomatic channels.
Dari milis sebelah:
Mengapa Indonesia mendadak mengakui perairan yang bukan miliknya ini sebagai
bagian wilayah Indonesia??? Tidak lain karena perairan ini mengandung minyak
yang bisa disedot selama 30 tahun.
Namun yang namanya hukum tetap hukum, Malaysia tidak mau ter-buru2 karena
pihak Malaysia sangat tahu kalo wilayah itu milik mereka dan sampai kapanpun
pihak Indonesia pasti kalah kalau mau mendaulatnya.
Pengadilan Internasional mengenai batas negara tempohari memenangkan
Malaysia sebagai pemilik Sipadan-Ligitan sehingga otomatis perairan Ambalat
ini masuk wilayah Malaysia karena Ambalat itu terletak antara
Sipadan-Ligitan dan Sabah.
Berdasarkan hukum Internasional, Malaysia sudah sejak dulu membangun pulau2
sekitar perairan Ambalat ini, semua lurah hingga RT/RW-nya mendapat gaji
langsung dari pemerintahan Malaysia. Lalu bagaimana mungkin Indonesia bisa
memaksakan kedaulatannya sementara penduduk disana pun mengakui wilayah
mereka adalah wilayah Malaysia ????
Disinilah letaknya persoalan, ternyata Indonesia tidak mau persoalan Ambalat
ini dibawa kepengadilan Internasional, dan atas usul Indonesia inilah
Malaysia oke2 saja selama bisa diselesaikan secara damai.
Celakanya, Indonesia sudah menjual perairan ini kepada perusahan minyak
Italia, "ENI" untuk mengebor minyak minyaknya. Oleh karena itulah RI berdaya
upaya ber-pura2 marah sewaktu perusahan minyak ENI ini diusir oleh pasukan
Malaysia. Akibatnya ENI meneliti hukum dan UU yang berlaku dan memastikan
perairan Ambalat ini milik Malaysia sehingga perusahaan minyak ENI ini
meminta agar pemerintah RI mengembalikan uang yang sudah dibayarkannya itu.
Tetapi pemerintah RI ngotot tidak mau mengembalikannya dan membuat sandiwara
se-olah2 Malaysia merebut wilayahnya yang disebar luaskan disemua media
diseluruh Indonesia.
Jadi tujuannya menuntut perairan Ambalat itu sama sekali bukan karena mau
direbut Malaysia, melainkan memang wilayah Malaysia dan RI ber-pura2
se-olah2 wilayahnya direbut Malaysia agar tuntutan ENI bisa dibatalkan.
Kemungkinan besar uangnya itu sudah habis dimakan rame2 para pejabat2 negara
RI ini sehingga tak mungkin dikembalikan lagi selain cuma bermain sandiwara
saja untuk mengulur waktu.
Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.
Nah barangkali ada yang iso ks pencerahan, tanx
mata kuda atau bisa juga supaya timbul pemikiran 'bagaimana mengantisipasinya'.
Buat saya kalau ada yg bisa kasih argumen yang muantep malah bisa sebagai
Dikutip dari WikiAnswer dan juga kutipan dari milis sebelah sebagai berikut
dibawah ini:
Dari WikiAnswer:
Ambalat is the sea block (not an island) of the Celebes Sea between Indonesian
province of East Kalimantan and south-east of the Malaysian state of Sabah. This
whole region is formerly known as Borneo. There are two coastal states separated
in a distance of less then 300 nm each other that cause overlapping claim.
Located at the heart of the Indo-Pacific basin Ambalat is near the centre of one
of the richest marine habitats in the world called Sipadan. More than 3,000
species of fish and hundreds of coral species have been classified in this
ecosystem. The absence of territorial sea boundary between Indonesia and
Malaysia, consequently, leaves an uncertainty regarding the sovereignty over the
territorial sea (water column). Meaning Indonesia still can claim Ambalat due to
the fact Malaysia has agreed a seabed boundary but have not yet agreed a
boundary for the water column. Ambalat also has huge oil and gas reserves which
could be exploited up to 30 years.
In theory, Malaysia owns Ambalat (which is subject to a territorial dispute
between Indonesia) with the publication of a map by Malaysia in 1979. The map
shows that the area within its Malaysia territorial waters and continental shelf
but Indonesia has profusely objected to the map since it has not deposited to
the UN Secretary General.
This case is by no mean similar 2002's Sipadan-Ligitan Island where 16 out 17
judges from International Court of Justice (ICJ) awarded Sipadan-Ligitan from
Indonesia to Malaysia on a basis of effective occupation. Malaysia has been
actively established a permanent tourism service around the area and provide
facilities for diving, swimming, and other aqua-tourism activities around
Ambalat. In that case, the 'effective occupation' (Effectivités) is a relevant
consideration to decide the sovereignty over it.
In defining their boundary, especially land boundary, both countries have to
refer to the 1891 Convention agreed by The Great Britain and the Netherlands.
Indonesia has yet finished none of the ten potential maritime boundaries with
neighboring states i.e Australia, Malaysia, Philippine, Singapore, Palau, India,
Thailand, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea and East Timor. With Sipadan- Ligitan a new
Malaysia's territory and archipelagic base line it is worth noting that the
ICJ's decision to grant Sipadan and Ligitan to Malaysia may change the
configuration of Malaysia's baseline thus, could theoretically put Indonesia in
a worse position to claim Ambalat.
Gosong Niger is part of the seabed that is divided by the boundary line where
two third of the seabed fall within the Indonesian side. With regard to this,
the ownership of the sandbar is considerably clear. As there is a precise line,
it should have been clear who own which seabed. However, Indonesia has never
officially announced the exact locations of its maritime territorial limits.
Consequently, the Malaysian navy had chased Indonesian fishermen out of Ambalat
while Indonesia further accused Malaysia of 35 violations of disputed territory.
Malaysia will not refer the dispute with Indonesia over Ambalat to the
International Court of Justice in the Hague, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad
Zahid Hamidi said in June 2009. Instead, he said the matter should be resolved
through the existing brotherly diplomatic channels.
Dari milis sebelah:
Mengapa Indonesia mendadak mengakui perairan yang bukan miliknya ini sebagai
bagian wilayah Indonesia??? Tidak lain karena perairan ini mengandung minyak
yang bisa disedot selama 30 tahun.
Namun yang namanya hukum tetap hukum, Malaysia tidak mau ter-buru2 karena
pihak Malaysia sangat tahu kalo wilayah itu milik mereka dan sampai kapanpun
pihak Indonesia pasti kalah kalau mau mendaulatnya.
Pengadilan Internasional mengenai batas negara tempohari memenangkan
Malaysia sebagai pemilik Sipadan-Ligitan sehingga otomatis perairan Ambalat
ini masuk wilayah Malaysia karena Ambalat itu terletak antara
Sipadan-Ligitan dan Sabah.
Berdasarkan hukum Internasional, Malaysia sudah sejak dulu membangun pulau2
sekitar perairan Ambalat ini, semua lurah hingga RT/RW-nya mendapat gaji
langsung dari pemerintahan Malaysia. Lalu bagaimana mungkin Indonesia bisa
memaksakan kedaulatannya sementara penduduk disana pun mengakui wilayah
mereka adalah wilayah Malaysia ????
Disinilah letaknya persoalan, ternyata Indonesia tidak mau persoalan Ambalat
ini dibawa kepengadilan Internasional, dan atas usul Indonesia inilah
Malaysia oke2 saja selama bisa diselesaikan secara damai.
Celakanya, Indonesia sudah menjual perairan ini kepada perusahan minyak
Italia, "ENI" untuk mengebor minyak minyaknya. Oleh karena itulah RI berdaya
upaya ber-pura2 marah sewaktu perusahan minyak ENI ini diusir oleh pasukan
Malaysia. Akibatnya ENI meneliti hukum dan UU yang berlaku dan memastikan
perairan Ambalat ini milik Malaysia sehingga perusahaan minyak ENI ini
meminta agar pemerintah RI mengembalikan uang yang sudah dibayarkannya itu.
Tetapi pemerintah RI ngotot tidak mau mengembalikannya dan membuat sandiwara
se-olah2 Malaysia merebut wilayahnya yang disebar luaskan disemua media
diseluruh Indonesia.
Jadi tujuannya menuntut perairan Ambalat itu sama sekali bukan karena mau
direbut Malaysia, melainkan memang wilayah Malaysia dan RI ber-pura2
se-olah2 wilayahnya direbut Malaysia agar tuntutan ENI bisa dibatalkan.
Kemungkinan besar uangnya itu sudah habis dimakan rame2 para pejabat2 negara
RI ini sehingga tak mungkin dikembalikan lagi selain cuma bermain sandiwara
saja untuk mengulur waktu.
Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.
Nah barangkali ada yang iso ks pencerahan, tanx