Scientists demonstrate the connection between stress and cancer

Scientists insist stress related to cancer

Scientists analyzed various studies showing a clear link between stress and cancer, including breast cancer. Stress often manifests with moodiness, headache, limb pain and discouragement.

Scientists analyzed various studies showing a connection between stress and cancer, including breast cancer. New research reveals how they relate.

For many years, scientists suspected and maintained a connection between exposure to stressful experiences and the development of cancer. So far, various studies show conflicting results.

Scientists at the University of Maastricht, Netherlands, analyzed some works dealing stress episodes in the life of a person and the risk of breast cancer. Even the death of a relative or friend influences the genesis of some cancers.

Other studies have shown that severe stress, even if it happens a couple of days, weakens our immune system, making us more vulnerable to a host of health problems. The researchers suspect that this is caused by a stress hormone called cortisol, which can affect our immune system cells and limit their ability to prevent disease.

Moreover, scientists at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, showed that stress impedes wound healing. This is demonstrated by the fact that people who are very nervous about an operation, have more discomfort after and are more vulnerable to postoperative infections.

Stress often manifests with moodiness, headache, limb pain and discouragement. It can lead to emotional imbalances like depression.

Stress makes you burn fewer calories and cortisol can actually reduce the body's ability to release fat from its fat stores to use for energy. Instead, we become sugar burners and fat storers. Stress hormones cause increased body fat in the abdominal region, exactly where we don't need or want it.

Chronic stress can lead the body to ignore the function of insulin. Insulin resistance develops when the cells fail to respond to insulin's message to take in glucose from the blood stream. It is thought that elevated blood sugar due to stress and diet contributes to the development of insulin resistance.

When insulin fails to unlock our cells, the appetite is increased while the body's ability to burn fat is decreased. This syndrome is part of the modern problem of rising rates of obesity and diabetes.

Stress inhibits the production and activity of natural killer cells, known as NK cells, as much as 50%. NK cells are responsible for identifying and destroying cancer and virus cells. Even more scary, chronic stress can accelerate the growth of cancer cells in the body as well as block the body's ability to fight cancer. It promotes the synthesis of new blood cells in tumors and accelerates the growth of some tumors.
teleSUR-RT/ao - FC

Translated from the Spanish version by:

Lisa Karpova

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